Microlaena stipoides (Weeping Grass)
Australia's most important native grass, Microlaena has a widespread distribution right across Australia from the Alps to the tropics including Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide and their metropolitan areas.
Microlaena may one day be the preferred species, replacing the exotic grasses currently used for lawns, pasture and amenity plantings, its bright green colour, soft foliage, drought and frost resistance as well as shade tolerance make it more than a match for any of the non-native species being used today as it has had thousands of years to evolve in the unpredictable Australian climate.
Microlaena stipoides also has much potential for development as a grain crop like wheat or rice.
There has been intensive study done on Microlaena at the University of New England in Armidale, NSW where it's potential was scientifically documented.
Cleaning of machine harvested Microlaena presents many problems, stripping the seed back to the caryopsis (bare grain) can reduce its viability.
Paul Alessi has developed his own unique harvesting and cleaning
machinery that leaves the seed in it's most viable form (floret)
yet is still remarkably clean for a machine harvested wild
product and being from natural stands contains healthy genetic
A limited amount of Microlaena seed is available each year, please contact us early to ensure supply.
Microlaena seed
after cleaning
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Australian Native Grass Seed - Microlaena
(Weeping Grass) - Australian Native Tree and Shrub
Seed -
Allocasuarina- Banksia- Callistemon- Cassinia- Daviesea- Eucalyptus- Hakea- Leptospermum
All text codes and images copyright Paul Alessi 2002 /2018